New Years Intention Setting Ritual

New Years Intention Setting Ritual

Posted by Amanda Walker on 31st Dec 2018

A perfect way to welcome in new and abundant energies for the new year, while consciously releasing old energies and things we want to leave in 2018.

You will need:

2 pieces of paper

Pen or pencil 

Cleansing herbs– sage, Palo Santo or even incense will work great

Bowl for burning smudging herbs and old energies


Clear Quartz point – great to amplify your new intentions and aid with focus

Optional – you can make this ritual your own by adding in any other items you feel called to include – such as – candles, essential oils, singing bowl or other instrument.

1.Gather all the items you will need and settle into your space

2.Light your smudging herb of choice and cleanse your quartz crystal and your space

3.Draw your attention to your crystal – focus and calm your mind. Think about what you wish to let go of, what energies and thought patterns that no longer serve you well. Begin to jot these down on one of your pieces of paper.

4.When you have finished, fold your paper in half 3 times. Breathe deeply – Letting Go of things that no longer serve you is a powerful practice. You deserve the peace and relief that comes with the release of these old energies and thought patterns.

5.Now that you have folded up your list of things to let go of, take it outside. Bring your awareness to your breathing once again, allowing yourself to feel supported by the universe. Burn your “letting go” list, releasing these energies from yourself and making space for new energy to come through.
*Safety Note* make sure you burn this safely – it may be best to sit it in a bowl to ensure that no hot ashes fall on the grass or ground.

6.Feel the relief, that you no longer need to carry these thoughts and energies with you. Enjoy this moment.

7.Hold your crystal, imagine what you want the new year to bring you. What energies and thought patterns do you want to attract for the upcoming year. Begin to write these down.

8.As you write each one down – take a moment to really see what it would be like for you and how your life will be with this new thought pattern or energy present.

9.For example – if you want to bring more self-love and self-acceptance – envision yourself taking time out for yourself because you deserve it. See yourself saying positive things about your mind and body. “I am beautiful and intelligent” for example; and think about how this makes you feel and the happiness you can bring for yourself.
* it is important to relish in these new energies that you are welcoming in – feel the gratitude that each one brings you.

10.Once you have finished this list, take another moment to be thankful for what you learnt this year and how it has helped you become who you are today.

11.Take this list outside and bury it – just like you are planting a seed for the new year, a seed for a wonderful and magical year. Make sure you take as much time as you need for this ritual.